There's a lot of information here. Before you dive into these FAQs, know that I don't have all the answers and I try not to present information as if it were an absolute. My answers come to you from my own personal experience, my journey with Spirit, and my heart. I am open to evolving over time and excited to learn new things as I progress. The spiritual journey and the learning within it is fluid, not stagnant. I look forward to sharing even more as I grow, learn, and evolve.
I believe we are all psychic, meaning we all have the ability to intuitively perceive things beyond "normal" perception. Some choose to be more in tune than others. Some are naturally more intuitive than others. Some squelch this part of themselves altogether. Children are highly in tune with this part of themselves, and unfortunately are often conditioned to ignore and distrust it. As I understand it, being a psychic medium (which I like to refer to as a 'spirit medium' or 'spirit messenger'--a term coined by medium Dr. Vicki Monroe) differs some from having psychic ability, in that a psychic medium has the ability to communicate directly with loved ones, guides, and other entities in the Spirit Realm, receiving messages in a variety of ways. Possibilities include hearing their words, seeing them, getting impressions, feeling bodily sensations, and picking up on scents associated with a particular spirit. They are the "medium" through which Spirit communicates and they deliver Spirit's messages. Psychic mediums are human beings with their own life experiences, filters, flaws, understanding, and voice, which Spirit works with to help get their messages across.
The following statement is one that I have seen many psychic mediums share to help clarify the difference between the two: "All mediums are psychic, but not all psychics are mediums." And I'd like to add that I do strongly believe anyone is capable of directly receiving messages from Spirit, but the marked difference between being psychic and being a psychic medium (as I understand it based on personal experience and what other psychic mediums say about the subject) is that the psychic medium has the uncanny natural ability to connect with, perceive, and convey messages from Spirit in a heightened, direct, and tangible way. Another way to think about it is through this anaology, which comes from my background as a classically trained flutist and music educator: We all have the ability and potential to make music (just as we all can connect with and receive messages from Spirit), and yes, some have a natural talent for making music and are able to go far with their gift (just as some have the natural ability of mediumship and are able to grow with their gift). What's true of any talent is that to reach optimum skill level, it often takes a lot of practice and maintenence, and there will be a range of skill levels and capabilities that people have and can master. And, those skills can get rusty or even fade if they are ignored and not used. On that note, let's segue into the next question...
That is a great question. I don't have a solid answer for you, and I can only speak from my own personal experience. I was never taught and I have a gut feeling that no one could have taught me how to be a spirit medium. As I've said, I do believe everyone is inherently intuitive and psychic, to varying degrees, and can be taught how to better hone those skills. I believe anyone can be in tune with the Spirit World and be open to receiving their loving messages, yes! In fact, Spirit is longing to connect with you in that way. I also believe you can be taught how to better communicate with Spirit. But, being a natural spirit medium feels like something entirely different than being psychic and/or receiving ocassional messages from Spirit--and I say that because I have lived both experiences, having my mediumship gifts mysteriously blossom later in life. As a medium, I can now communicate with souls on the other side in a much more tangible and clearer way, using my mental capacity, physical body and senses, and spirit. I can't fully explain how this transformation has happened to me and I'm not entirely sure how it all works, but I can tell you that the experience of mental mediumship feels kind of like using a good old-fashioned radio, where I tune into the frequencey of Spirit. Most times it's like flipping the dial and landing in a place with fuzzy reception where bits of information come through the static. Sometimes the reception is clearer. I'll get more into why I think that is in another FAQ below.
I was never taught. It happened. And quite honestly, it is perplexing, mysterious, and beautiful...
Much of it is still a mystery to me, but it coincided with a number of things including multiple physical head traumas and what I believe to be a spiritual readiness, and a reconnection to my spirit guide Ike. I would not have been ready for a job of this magnitude earlier in my life. Prior to the blossoming of my mediumistic gifts, I had wished I had better ability when it came to communicating with spirits and I would say to myself and to Spirit, "In the next life I hope to share in the gift of mediumship." Little did my conscious self know that Spirit had big plans for me in this life. I know my Higher Self chose to do this job, but I couldn't do it without the help and trust of Spirit, so I feel perhaps they chose me too. An honor, and a big responsibility that I do not take lightly. I vow to do the best I can and conduct myself ethically, reverently, and with respect when it comes to doing readings for people and delivering messages from Spirit. I also vow to be gentle with myself and careful with my own energy and time. And very importantly, I wish to continually learn and grow in my mediumship practice and in my spirituality. Always open-minded, learning, growing, and improving. Always.
I have to chuckle a little bit at this question, because spirits want you to know that they are not actually dead, but very much alive, only in a different form. I'm aware that some psychic mediums have the amazing ability to see spirits around people wherever they go. It's not quite that way for me. I now realize that if I saw spirits everywhere I went, it would be totally exhausting for me and deplete my energy quickly (so thank you to Spirit for recognizing and honoring my limitations and boundaries, and making it work for my constitution). If I wish to see if a spirit is around someone, I usually need to mentally "click in" first, but not always. Sometimes they just show up without me "clicking in," but that is not as common for me. I'd liken "clicking in" to the opening up of a portal to the other side. Luckily we can keep it closed most of the time, so I can go about my life without having to navigate constant encounters with Spirit. That feels doable to me and lets me go about my life pretty "normally," if you will.
Spirits like to give signs of validation during the reading, to let you know that they watch over you and to serve as confirmation that you are indeed conversing with them in the session. For example, deceased loved one's validations include things like: who they were to you, descriptions of their physical and personality traits, mentions of important personal events and interactions, details of their passing, places, people, and references to meaningful objects or heirlooms. Keep in mind that signs from loved ones who have passed also come through in your daily life. You may associate a particular natural creature with your loved one (like a butterfly or hummingbird), a type of flower that they adored, a song, hearts, cloud shapes, or scents. They'll employ synchronicity to send you messages via interactions and conversations with other people (sometimes with complete strangers). Loved ones can also visit you in your dreams, and in that liminal space between being awake and being asleep.
They most often wish to let you know that they are doing well on the other side, especially if they passed due to illness or trauma. Sometimes they present themselves as a younger version of what they looked like if they lived to be older, or they may like the way they looked in a past life, and present that way. They also like to help heal any unresolved issues. The experience is really like having a conversation through me with your loved ones and guides on the other side. It can be a powerful experience that contains surprise, laughter, happiness in connecting, relief, and some heartfelt tears. You'll see that your loved ones are still very much alive and excited to have the reading with you.
Here's the thing... nothing is set in stone. I used to think destiny was dominant, and now, through life experience and what spirits on the other side are telling me, there's much more to it! There is energy around certain things that are supposed to happen and people you are supposed to connect with as part of your life's plan (which by the way you constructed with help from your loving guides). You could call it destiny. But wait! There is also free will. You make choices and can change your life's course at any given moment. There are also unplanned things that happen. Things like accidents and happenings that occur because of the nature and mystery of life itself. The bottom line is, you always get to choose what to do with your life experiences--what direction you will go with them and what you will learn from them. You have created your own life's path and you may alter it as you go along. I will receive information about your path (past, present, and future) in the reading, yes, but it does not mean that any information I may receive about your future is set in stone. You have the power to change and improve your future. That is one of the beautiful things about life.
Psychic mediums are human and we are not perfect--of that I am sure, and definitely not accurate all of the time. Here's some parallel food for thought: Do professionals consistently perform at the top of their game at all times? Sometimes we have an off day, or there may be circumstances beyond our control. Additionally, the art of mediumship is not a perfect process (and sometimes that has nothing to do with the medium). I've seen super-talented mediums be wrong sometimes during a reading, much to my relief as I embrace my gift and wonder about accuracy. I can only speak to the readings I have given so far, since 2021. Spirits are showing up and the sessions have contained accuracy and meaningful messages. The evidential details that come through during readings have left me in awe. Since the direct experience of being a medium is new to me, my response is often, how did I just do that!? (what I really mean is "we" as it's a group effort with Spirit.) I hope I never loose that feeling of wonderment and awe as I continue on this journey.
I do think there are variables that will affect the success of a reading and I do think it is especially helpful if the conditions are right. I must successfully raise my energy to meet the client's guides and loved ones on the other side, and the spirits I am communicating with must be capable of lowering their high vibrational frequency some, clearly coming through, and relating messages that I understand (I find some spirits are better at it than others and it helps to have assistance from my guides). Some of these factors are out of my control, but I will always do my personal best with what I can control. Speaking of control, I'm learning it's best to set aside my expectations for how a reading will go and what it should look like, and let Spirit take the wheel for the session. That way they can get their messages across the way they want to, with more ease.
Another factor that effects the success of a reading is the client's personal openness to the reading. It is important that they truly want the reading and are receptive, responsive, and supportive of the process and its potential to inspire growth. The client, me, Ike my main guide and our spirit assistants, and the spirits who are around the client will feel invigorated by that kind of energy, and the messages and conversation will flow freely. Mere curiosity is not really a good reason for getting a reading, and challenging the process will definitely make it more difficult. But on the other hand, healthy skepticism is not a bad thing, and perhaps you, a potential client, are being drawn to a reading because there's something in you that wishes to learn something new.
A spirit guide is a soul that is around you, who guides and protects you in your earthly body, and helps to keep you on your life's path. A spirit guide is part of your soul family and could be a loved one who has passed, a soul from a past life, a soul you only spend time with in the spirit realm, or a soul that has never inhabited an earthly body. Your Higher Self (which is your soul) knows this soul who guides you. It is a relationship that is filled with love. I use the terms 'Spirit World' and 'other side' synonymously. They refer to the spirit realm, where spirits reside. It's not really above, but all around, and contains many layers.
My intuition tells me that there is no "best" time. People most often seek out a reading when they are going through a difficult time, when they need to find resolution or answers, when they are at a crossroads, or when they need a check-in to make sure they are "going the right way." A reading can also be appropriate when things are going well in your life. Perhaps you'd like some assistance and guidance around continuing to grow into your highest potential. Sometimes people seek out readings because they wish to connect with their loved ones on the other side in a more tangible way. Whatever the reason may be, you'll know in your heart if it's the right time for you, or if it's even right for you. And please know, I don't think there's anything I will tell you that will somehow be so brand new and earth shattering or life saving. Your intuition/Higher Self already knows, so if anything, the messages that come through are confirmation and guidance-oriented. Also know, you don't necessarily need me to get the messages from Spirit. Follow your instinct and listen to your heart, and if a reading with me feels like the right thing to do, I'm here.
I welcome all belief systems and I do not espouse a particular religion. As a practicing green witch who follows a solitary spiritual path, I feel deeply connected to nature, of which all life forms in the earthly realm are a part. For me, the concept of God is not a singular entity. God/Goddess is in everything and is creative and loving energy itself. The Divine. Source. Full of mystery, love, and healing.
In a reading, you may receive messages about past lives and past life relationships. Information about the Spirit World may also come through. All I ask is that you be open to the information that is presented to you, through me, from Spirit. If any of this feels uncomfortable in any way, or does not resonate with you, it's okay to say that we might not be a good match for a reading.
Tips for Getting the Most Out of Your Reading:
- A few days before your reading, it’s a great idea to begin reaching out to loved ones in Spirit to ask them to be present at your reading. Yes they know you will be having the reading, but making this prior contact can create a stronger connection that in turn makes for a more powerful and meaningful session.
- Write down some memories or significant events, as well as any thoughts, concerns, or questions you have. Your loved ones will perceive them and will often address them in the reading to serve as evidence and to provide insight and guidance.
- Lovingly give yourself plenty of time before the reading to prepare, and after the reading to process the experience, rest, and reground yourself. It is normal to feel floaty and tired after a reading because of the emotional experience. Drink plenty of water and have a snack, allowing yourself to naturally transition back to a more rooted state. Take your time.
- You will want to dress comfortably and be in a cozy, quiet space for the reading, where you will be undisturbed.
- Remember that the energy you bring to the reading makes a difference. Your energy, the energy of the spirits around you, and the energy coming from me and my guides are all important components of the session. Being well-rested, relaxed, and open-minded makes for a stronger channel of communication and a much more powerful and meaningful reading.
- Tapping into the energy of love will also elevate the experience of your session. Spirits operate at a higher frequency than humans, from a sacred dimension filled with love. If we can let go of heavier feelings and emotions (like fear, anger, sadness etc.), if only for the duration of the session, and instead fully embrace the vibration of love, we can more successfully connect with the frequency of Spirit.
"Tapping into the energy of love will elevate the experience of your session. Spirits operate at a higher frequency than humans, from a sacred dimension filled with love, so if we can embrace the vibration of love in the reading, we can more successfully connect with the frequency of Spirit."